The discussion on the future of public media in Poland, as well as the entire media ecosystem, poses – both to researchers of the subject and to practitioners, including above all journalists – the question of the meaning and role of all media professions in the process of shaping the media order. As practice has shown – systemic solutions have failed, and ethical standards and journalistic professionalism have become the only guarantee of the reliability of the coverage. In the session, we therefore propose a discussion about the evolution (or revolution) in the way the media professions have been defined to date, as well as reflections on the role and importance of these professions in setting media market performance standards in Poland. Researchers on the topic, as well as journalists and managers of media institutions, are invited to participate in the session.
The evolution of media and means of communication that has taken place in recent years is an interesting area of research for representatives of various scientific, business and third sector communities. The multiplicity of perspectives and research tools used results in a number of important studies, reports and articles which, unfortunately, often do not refer to each other. The intention of the conference organisers is therefore to invite to the discussion all those to whom the problem of changes in the media environment is of particular interest, with a particular focus on issues of technological change, information management and market monitoring.
The growing role of algorithmisation determines the transformation of human social activity, public spheres and the functioning of modern democracies. Public discourse is shaped in intertwined online and offline spaces, and involves partners from the world of humans and bots using increasingly sophisticated communication tools. In the session, we open a discussion on the media practices and competences of civic, social and political actors who operate in an environment of multimodal and multichannel political communication, as well as dispersed audience and public opinion. In particular, we would like to address the topic of media practices and competences of citizens who participate more or less actively in public life and discourse. Anyone whose research interests are related to the broadly understood processes of political communication, including civic communication in today’s digitised world, is invited to present their research results and academic reflections.
It is a session created entirely by the student and doctoral community in collaboration with the PCA Forum of Young Media and Communication Scholars. The invitation to participate in this part of the conference is addressed in particular to students and PhD students whose research and findings are part of the broad spectrum of phenomena centred on media and communication. This year, communication will be particularly analysed in terms of the dynamic changes, both social, political and technological, that we can observe on a daily basis. Attending this session will be a very good opportunity to get to know each other and share your research and insights in a relaxed atmosphere so that you can pursue your passion for science even more effectively.
Panel discussion:
In Pursuit of Competence
IJMSC 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner
Panel presentations
Coffee break
Panel presentations
Conference closing
tel. +48 12 664 55 33
pon-pt 8:00-15:00
tel. +48 12 664 55 29
pon-pt 7:30-15:30