6th IDMiKS Conference



17-18.10.2024 KRAKÓW


Publication guidelines

Deadline for submitting texts is Novebmer 30th, 2024

Articles that are reviewed and qualified for publication will appear in a highly ranked collective monograph published by the Jagiellonian University. We also invite you to submit articles to “Media Research Issues” journal.

Texts for publication should incorporate author's answers related to comments from discussants at individual panels and from other conference participants. 

Texts should be adjusted to the APA Guidelines / American English / 12-point Times New Roman. They shall be no longer than 7000 words (notes and reference list included). Additionally there should be an abstract of 100–150 words as well as the list of five keywords included.

Texts should present, if relevant (empirical studies), a separate methodology part and the results as well as discussion sections.

Authors shall include: a) ORCID ID, b) current institutional affiliation, c) biographical data of max. 50 words and d) complete postal address (including official e-mail address).Submissions by more than one author must designate a single contact person as the corresponding author. Additionally authors may provide information on financial support received, and a disclosure statement on possible conflicts of interest.

Words in a language using other than the Latin alphabet must be Romanized into the Latin alphabet. Bibliographic items in footnotes must be transliterated in accord with an accepted transliteration table such as the ALA-LC Romanization Tables (see Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html). A simple phonetic transcription should be used for foreign terms and names in the main text.

When entering the phase of publication, it is the responsibility of the authors to make sure they have obtained all necessary permissions for possible reproduction of any third-parties’ copyrighted material, such as graphics.


Submission of an article to the editor implies permission to publish it both in traditional form (on paper) and on the Internet. The submitted text is printed only after receiving positive reviews and signing an appropriate statement by the Author(s). The editors reserve the right to make necessary abbreviations and editorial changes.

The best research papers will be published in the Central European Journal of Communication – Scientific Journal of the Polish Communication Association. The remaining texts, which will be reviewed and qualified for publication, will appear in a book published by the Jagiellonian University.

Authors will be contacted individually by the CEJC or Jagiellonian University to get acquainted with the review and asked to make appropriate corrections before publication, if necessary. 

Please submit your texts by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Patronat honorowy

Rektor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

JM Rektor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
prof. dr hab. Piotr Jedynak

Prezydent Miasta Krakowa
Aleksander Miszalski

Patronat naukowy


Partnerzy medialni

Partnerzy wydawniczy

Wydawnictwo TOC

Nowe technologie dla nauk społecznych


Sekretarz konferencji

Anna Orchel

tel. +48 12 664 55 33
pon-pt 8:00-15:00

sprawy finansowe

Anna Harnik

tel. +48 12 664 55 29
pon-pt 7:30-15:30


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